Le magazine indépendant et international du BPO, du CRM et de l'expérience client.


Deux millions de Box internet Bouygues Télécom installées par an. Advancia, champion tunisien de la conduite d'activités

Deux millions de Box internet Bouygues Télécom installées par an. Advancia, champion tunisien de la conduite d'activités

Pour déployer deux millions de Box internet Bouygues Télécom à domicile par an, Sogetrel s'appuie sur Advancia Téléservices, fondé par Sahbi Gargouri. “Probablement l'une des sociétés de call-center encore indépendante les plus performantes du marché” selon Sébastien Janvier, Directeur des Opérations chez Sogetrel. Dans chaque numéro d'En-Contact, la mise en lumière d'un dirigeant de centre de contacts, de relation client, performant. Pas forcément ceux qui achètent des liens sponsorisés sur Google. 

The neo-banks loved by bandits and unscrupulous brokers such as Sadri Fegaier

The neo-banks loved by bandits and unscrupulous brokers such as Sadri Fegaier

What sometimes explains the success and growth of certain banking institutions, such as BTR, N26, Revolut etc.? Their great latitude in implementing the control and KYC (know-your-customer checks) procedures that are normally imposed on them by legislation. In an increasingly open world, it is important to know with which partner you are committing yourself and to whom you are entrusting your assets.

SharkNinja, Aiper, Samsung...? Big sales success but sometimes sluggish after-sales service

SharkNinja, Aiper, Samsung...? Big sales success but sometimes sluggish after-sales service

Swimming pool robots, foldable smartphones and deep fryers all caught your eye? One day, however, you may need to repair them. But what happens to the technical customer services departments of reputable, in-demand brands? At Aiper, Samsung, Orange, and Shark Ninja, the current star of the household appliances department, customers who have a breakdown often only find chatbots to answer their questions. Is DIY repair, or videoconferencing with a technical expert, the way of the future?

Growth hacking on the French market ? They did it!

Growth hacking on the French market ? They did it!

Le Slip Français, a well-known underwear brand, is in decline. But Jott is doing very well with its down jackets, as is Groupe Verlaine, which installs solar panels and heat pumps. Lead generation, SEO, managing an e-reputation, what are the techniques used by French champions to win and retain customers? To find out and share their tips, come along to the New Biz Forum in Paris on 11 & 12 June.

Scalability of service and customer experience must be thought through from the outset

Scalability of service and customer experience must be thought through from the outset

A full house for Ino Global and Google Chrome, who welcomed around sixty guests to Google's Paris headquarters last Thursday. A lively morning focused on the need not to forget voice in customer journeys. Speakers included Jott, Doctolib and Onepilot. In the room, executives in charge of customer experience from Pluxee, Le Monde and Silae were all ears.

Onclusive, formerly known as Kantar, is reducing its teams to replace them with AI

Onclusive, formerly known as Kantar, is reducing its teams to replace them with AI

At the end of 2023, the employees of Onclusive, a French company based in La Défense, became the players in the first redundancy plan in France to be triggered by artificial intelligence. Out of 383 positions, 209 people were made redundant to be replaced by AI-powered computers. Eight vacant positions will be left without replacement and, according to Libération, 23 “new functions” will be created.

6 dates to savour in the great customer experience souk

6 dates to savour in the great customer experience souk

On 4 April, at Google in Paris, En-Contact, Ino Global and Google Chrome will be welcoming those who are helping DNVBs (digital native vertical brands) or fast-growing brands such as Groupe Verlaine to improve customer engagement and customer journeys, including at critical moments, the moments of truth. PayFit, Doctolib and Onepilot will be testifying. The strategies of Sezane, Slip français, Selency and Groupe Verlaine will be dissected.


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