To be listed in the Directory of CRM, Customer Experience, Call Centres, Hospitality, etc.

There's nothing like personalisation and a top-notch customer and employee experience to welcome, win over and build loyalty. Don't necessarily call on story-tellers or lecturers in this field, but on specialists. Our Directory lists and classifies them, after checking a few points. To get listed, read on.
The conditions to be met, the process to be followed.
As well as the deadline, set for 25 November, and the hotline: 06 06 68 72 52. Hostess agencies, incivility management training, CRM, RCS dispatch, Speech Analytics, why should you see Groupe ETIC, Armonia, Deskea, Zendesk... but not Service Now? If you want to be included in this Directory, the contents and distribution of which are detailed here, and the 5th edition of which will be published on 20 December, here's what you need to know.
-Have an activity or have developed a product that helps companies and institutions in France to improve their reception, service, experience or customer service, with or without AI. A hostess agency contributes to this, as does a CRM publisher or a specialist in the UX design of a website or payment application.
-Have provided the publisher and the editorial team of En-Contact with the following information by e-mail before 25/11: company name, e-mail address of the director or sales manager, telephone number for contacting the company, turnover (optional), one or two customer references (telephone and e-mail). For the company or product concerned.
Nb: The contact details of these customers are not rented, used or given away. They are only used by the editorial team to validate, where necessary, the information required for the relevant rankings.
-You must be a subscriber to En-Contact magazine (160 euros per year) or have paid your subscription before 25/11. The subscription form is here.
Nb: for the sake of completeness, the Bottin also lists companies that have not subscribed. In this case, they appear in alphabetical order, in their category, with a distinctive colour or font and without any other information.

A few examples to help you understand
The Etic group delegates hostesses to companies and airports, and is a well-known player in this sector. At the same time, it has developed a call-centre business under the AltaEtic brand and recently acquired Qualione, which was going through a difficult phase. The company will appear in both categories, and is one of the few to have increased its turnover and won a number of major customers in 2024.
Service Now, for example, buys a lot of advertising in the major media and states that it provides ‘an intelligent platform for digital transformation’. However, we have never managed to reach a contact person in France, or to speak to a French customer of Service Now. The American company will be mentioned, in the CRM and digital platforms section, with a distinctive colour (the one that shows that nothing could be verified).
Patrice Giraudon is a consultant specialising in customer experience and has provided us with the contact details of some of his clients. He will appear in the category: Customer experience and call centre consultants.
Diabolocom AI says it provides an Automatic Speech-to-Text and Analytics solution, in addition to its traditional role as an effective omnichannel customer relations platform. This new product could have been classified, like those from Callity, Nice, Verint or Cross-CRM etc., in the QM and Speech Analytics category. But as we were unable to verify any information about it, the editorial team will simply put it in this second category, without being able to give an opinion. The same goes for, created by Stéphanie Delestre.
Mayday, which has been praised by many brands and customers, automates customer services. The company will be mentioned, but will not receive the Bottin (not a subscriber).
Marwan Méry (ADN Group), DITP and Scyfco, specialists in training to deal with incivilities, are in a special category in the HR and employee experience section.
Gyfti, Yampa, Lougage - many start-ups are created every year in the sectors covered, and publish numerous posts on Linkedin and elsewhere. Sometimes they die, like Lougage. None of them provided factual data. You won't find them in the Bottin, unlike
Our ‘Michelin Guide’ to the customer experience also lists the organisations, associations and personalities that are helping to resolve major customer service and customer abuse problems: Julien Courbet, the host of the TV show Ça peut vous arriver,, AirHelp, AskTheLocals, and the IGAS, which is sometimes asked to audit patient care. Because, from time to time, Airbnb, Emma Matelas or Stellantis exaggerate and produce customer abuse. Climbing to solve your big problem can require support.
We hope that's clear! If it isn't, get in touch or text us on +33 6 06 68 72 52.
Practical details:
900 service providers listed, classified into around 20 categories. A list of the 100 that count.
On the same subject, operational staff may find it useful to read the book by Alexis de Prévoisin and his daughter, who fell into the retail experience trap. Retail Emotion, Retail in Motion.