Le magazine indépendant et international du BPO, du CRM et de l'expérience client.

Growth hacking on the French market ? They did it!

Publié le 16 mai 2024 à 09:00 par Magazine En-Contact
Growth hacking on the French market ? They did it!

Le Slip Français, a well-known underwear brand, is in decline. But Jott is doing very well with its down jackets, as is Groupe Verlaine, which installs solar panels and heat pumps. Lead generation, SEO, managing an e-reputation, what are the techniques used by French champions to win and retain customers? To find out and share their tips, come along to the New Biz Forum in Paris on 11 & 12 June.

The Groupe Verlaine* stand at the 2024 Paris Trade Fair

The programme for NBF, the New Biz Forum, is online. Customer reviews, intentional leads, RCS, Time2chat, all the things that help boost turnover and that we'll be talking about on 11 and 12 June in Paris. What do Julia, Magnolia, insurance brokers, Comptoir de l'Or, Acheel and Groupe Verlaine, whose stand at last week's Foire de Paris attracted several thousand prospective customers, have in common? Or Canal+ Afrique, whose growth generates part of the group's ebitda.

This is the question posed by the organisers of NBF, the New Biz Forum, a meeting to be held on the morning of 11 and 12 June at the Terrass Hôtel in Paris, to select the 12 entrepreneurs who will be speaking at the Master Classes.

Customer acquisition, what works now
"Businesses have never needed so much reassurance before making marketing and sales investments", observes Manuel Jacquinet, organiser of the event. "I've been working with business leaders since I started at ODA, the former Pages Jaunes, thirty-four years ago. Back then, an alarm salesman or a caterer would buy an M1H (a non-column ad in the Yellow Pages) and create his catalogue on Minitel, and that was more or less enough for the phone to ring and for prospects to come forward. No more: Google has killed off the Yellow Pages, and customer reviews and telemarketing have taken over to generate leads alongside SEO and SEA. And even a formerly busy or busy shopping street, such as the Rue de Rivoli, is no longer a guarantee that potential new customers will enter your shop.

"I created the NBF because Salesforce or any other CRM is no longer enough to develop sales, even if a tool of this type is useful. On the other hand, I think it's vital, whatever your industry, to look after your e-reputation, listen to the voice of the customer, employ real sales people and move towards omni-channel. And getting to grips with certain tools before others can give you a head start, such as RCS (Rich SMS) or telephone conversation analysis, if you're in distance selling.

Olivier Le Gallo, CEO of Magnolia

These are the findings of our in-depth study, the results of which we will be presenting on 11 June. We have analysed more than 80 companies in 8 sectors of activity, operating in BtoB and BtoC, to identify the factors that, taken together, contribute to facilitating New Biz. What they all have in common is that they will have achieved over 80% growth by 2023. 

The two-day programme reflects these findings. 12 entrepreneurs and brands will be explaining what they have put in place and how quickly they can go about attracting growth and new customers. 


* Groupe Verlaine, which will achieve sales of €100 million this year, has invested in television, in a network of agencies and affiliates, and in sponsored links, and measures its acquisition ratios precisely, channel by channel. One of the company's co-founders will be present on 11 June, along with Managing Director Arthur Benhamou. 


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