Do Adobe, Qualtrics, Zuora, Medallia and the others fear the French Connection?

Why are the American experts of customer experience not at the Stratégie Clients event? Are we not good enough for them, or are they afraid of us? The greatest customer experience you will ever live? It is next week, with the French Burning Man Festival!
I, Robot is this year’s Burning Man theme. The Wi-Fi there is terrible. Here are the two common points between the legendary festival and Stratégie Clients, the customer experience fair occurring next week, in Paris.
However, do you know who will not be in Paris next week? Adobe, Qualtrics, Zuora, Medallia, Convergys, Adyen, etc.!
But if you are still interested, En-Contact magazine made a selection of some of the event’s stands that you should check out, or at least, hear about:
You are obsessed with the efficiency of outbound calls in telemarketing and customer accessibility?
Manifone can help you with Trunk SIP, and Bloctel as well, to avoid going in jail.
Listening to recorded conversations to discover the data they conceal is your priority?
AlloMedia has a French solution for you, whereas with Nuance, Nice or Verint, you will need a platinum card to use their services. However, there are sometimes discounts!
BPO and call centers are not your thing?
You are finally ready to externalize? Almost all the French champions will be there, from Teleperformance to Sitel and Comdata (former B2S). Arvato is rather discreet, as usual. Webhelp, after a few rounds, will not play this year. Vivetic may be an alternative.
Africa is your next hunting territory?
VIPP has planned their ever colorful stand. Although, you may also reach African call centers through Sitel and Comadata. What about PCCI? Regarding the fact that they have some issues paying their employees right now, their absence is forgiven.
You have now understood that a seamless experience is the key to success? Laurent Garnier from KPAM and Hervé Cebula from Mediatech (feedback management) will try to demonstrate that France can be as good as Qualtrics on that matter.
Spelling mistakes make you go berserk?
Orthodidacte may sooth you, at least regarding French grammar!
You must soon open your services to the deaf and hearing-impaired?
Come meet Deafi, Acceo or Sourd Line!
All the above are criteria already met by your company? You are more into details to turn the customer experience into a seamless experience?
Then, please, do bring your ears to this conference:
Eloge du carburateur, pas d’efficacité sans mettre les mains dans le moteur : Intégration CRM, RGPD, HADS et PCI DSS
Organized by Diabolocom, and with Jean-François Ledey, from Air liquide Santé International, Luc Delpha, lead Information Security for Provadys, Frédéric Durand, Diabolocom’s CEO, and Mike Massimi, from Photobox.
As you can see, all this may lack a feminine side, but gladly, there is Ghislaine de Chambine, the fair’s thoughtful director!
Recently, some French companies have been poking at the American market (Teleperformance, Sitel, Luxury Attitude), and their CEO have even moved to the United States. They even write books about the subject! At times, Qualtrics is even defeated by Viavoo, a French experience management software platform.
Which thus leads us to wonder why the American do not seize the occasion to do just the same. And even if it very surprising to see that most American companies that are specialized in these fields are not present (Adyen, Convergys, Medallia, Qualtrics, Adobe, etc.), the Stratégie Clients event has everything it needs to become as legendary as the Burning Man festival!
By the Seamless Experience Fanzine editing team
And in case you miss this event, do not worry, we have another one in store for you, happening October 2018: Expérience Client / The French Forum
Read our other articles in English here.