Corinne Schamber, ex-Teleperformance, joins Vipp-Interstis

After a rich career and having been one of the key players in the world's number 1 BPO in Morocco and Tunisia, Corinne Schamber is joining one of the leading call-centres, Vipp-Interstis and its founder, the Chuck Yeager of telemarketing, as he was once described, Charles'Emm Berc. A transfer that will come as no surprise to those who know the importance of a key player in a team, when it comes to winning or reinventing itself.
An exclusive interview with a great lady of the industry, discreet and committed, a few days before the release of the Bottin En-Contact.

So, who is Corinne Schamber?
I was lucky enough to join TP at a very young age, and as a result, I've been able to grow and develop both personally and professionally. I was immediately passionate about the job, committed and devoted to a company where rigour, integrity, professionalism, respect for commitments, transparency and loyalty were the order of the day. It was a company where anything was possible, where you could be yourself and express yourself without fear. This has made me a committed professional, constantly striving to achieve the triptych ‘customer satisfaction - company interests - employee well-being’.
NB: Corinne Schamber started in the business in 1992 and has spent her entire career with TP, apart from a brief spell with Foundever, then Acticall, between 2013 and 2014.
Why and with what ‘roadmap’ are you joining the Vipp-Interstis group?
For its chairman, for its non-consensual nature, its agile spirit in perpetual search of reinvention, its freedom, and its sincere benevolence and humanity, which is rare and precious these days.
For the challenge: I was looking for a company on a human scale, to bring me closer to the field and in which I could pass on my experience, and this in 100% sub-Saharan African locations... which can only delight me.

You have a very detailed and up-to-date knowledge of the BPO market, of the capacities and talents that exist in Africa, of the particular momentum that the market is going through and of customer requirements. Where might a player like Vipp-Interstis fit in?
Vipp has always had a place in this market, and has been a pioneer in sub-Saharan Africa for over fourteen years. The market is evolving, AI is disrupting the world around us, so it is more necessary than ever to have players capable of agility, rapid decision-making and adaptation. The customer experience must be standardised, but it cannot be standardised. Vipp is the player capable of understanding the specific characteristics of brands and listening to them with tailor-made systems and support.
In a short text, never published on TP, in the series J'ai tant appris rue Firmin Gillot, you recounted the memorable experience of working for the world number 1. Share two memories with us.
This is a business where people are at the heart of the reactor, and I have hundreds of memories. Memories of so many first times, when with committed teams we dared, doubted, sometimes lost and often won. I've been lucky enough to work with people from so many different countries, creating a cultural diversity so enriching that I couldn't choose. Wherever they are, I will always remember their smiles, their willingness to learn and to do well.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the extraordinary leaders who have placed their trust in me, given me a little piece of themselves, and allowed me to be myself in a demanding and caring way: Patrick Dubreil, Gwenaëlle Roussel, Sandrine Knellesen, Sandrine Fontaine, Lucio Apollonj Guetti, Joao Cardoso. Thank you to my colleagues and teams, and finally, thank you to Daniel Julien for building the empire that made this wonderful story possible.

A page is being turned, a new one is being written, and I'm very excited to be joining the Vipp teams - we have so much to do together.
Interview by Manuel Jacquinet.
In a recent interview with us, the CEO of Vipp-Interstis explains why he decided to leave Cameroon, but not Africa, a continent with a bright future in which he believes.
The world's leading BPO and technology companies have seen their management teams change considerably in recent times, due to departures and because the ongoing consolidation of this market is leading to changes in scope. At Concentrix in particular, but also at Konecta, Intelcia, OceanCall, Odigo and others. Conversational agents and ongoing automation are having an impact on this industry, which is caught between the demands of the financial markets and the transformation of the business.
To find out what former Teleperformance employees have to say, read J'ai tant appris rue Firmin-Gillot. Order here.