Le magazine indépendant et international du BPO, du CRM et de l'expérience client.

118 412 and 118 718 french telephone directories hacked. Call centers involved.

Publié le 17 mars 2023 à 17:06 par Magazine En-Contact
118 412  and 118 718 french telephone directories hacked. Call centers involved.

Several French telephone directory providers, who charge fees to connect consumers with major brands, were hacked in February. The stolen data has been circulating on the web  in the form of the telephone recordings containing personal details of thousand of customers. The breach seems to have originated from call centers and BPO's located overseas. Over 32 brands are affected by the hack, including Apple, Amazon, Canal+, Credit Agricole and Orange.

A call center, located in Madagascar, seems to be the source of the breach

118 412 and 118 818 are involved. They are operated by Neo Editions and Voxnode.

More information, here.


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