Three is the Magic Number

3 will be the key figure of the 8th edition of Experience Client/The French Forum to be held in La Baule, from September 30 to October 2, 2020, in a completely revised format.
KYC, CRM, BPO, RPA, NPS, etc., behind these acronyms are hidden, in three letters, the keys to a successful and fluid customer experience.
Some are known, others less so because they are newer or less well apprehended for the moment: the BPO or the RPA, new trades or tools which must be seized with discernment.

That’s why we decided to take on the title of a famous song by Bob Dorough as the theme of the 8th Experience Client/The French Forum: Three is the Magic Number, the sound design of this edition will be inspiring.
KYC, BPO and CES will be the stars of this 8th edition, after quarterfinals against the other 5 contenders (see glossary of finalists).
Master Class, Battles and Workshops
The 8th edition of the 1st Forum in Customer Experience will be held in a totally revised format:
4 Battles will pit champions in their field against one another.
4 DIY workshops will train and teach you to work on key moments of customer journeys.
8 Master Classes, speakers will take a little inspiration from references in their field.
In all, 16 great moments during the 2 days of the forum, always in La Baule, hosting meetings and supplying inspiration. Read what Hélène Duthay, serial participant says.
Customer experience for dummies, the non-skilled: 8 finalists
KYC: Know Your Customer. Customer knowledge allows you to customize and adapt offers and services. Long live the KYC!
CRM: Customer Relationship Management. The management and the documentation of the interactions between a customer and a brand make it possible to industrialize the customer relationship. They made a fortune for Salesforce but now new players emerge: Hubspot, Zoho or Herbby in France, in particular. Can we do without a CRM tool?
BPO: Business Process Outsourcing. Process management streamlines the customer experience when it is mastered but degrades it when it is badly executed. BPO can become a good friend and RPA tools can help!
RPA: Robotic Process Automation. New whooping cough or mystification?
NPS and CES: The goal, is to be recommended, because you have been efficient, fast and clear with your client. The NPS (Net Promoter Score) & CES (Customer Effort Score) became the stethoscopes for the measurement of the customer experience.
CES: Read above, do you follow or not?
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival. The estimated time of arrival, is, in the big actors of the VTC and taxis, the N° 1 reason for calls to the customer service line. Knowing how to identify the relevant points of friction in one’s craft is decidedly key and complex, but the game is worth the effort.
WFM: Work Force Management. The planning of the right resources, adapted and present in sufficient numbers, is not solved only with Erlang. In hospitals, call centres or cash desks, we cannot forget the flow forecast and the allocation of suitable staff.