Le livre noir du service et de l’expérience client : The black book of customer care and experience

Le livre noir du service et de l’expérience client/Reviews

• If Bruce Lundvall (late boss of the Blue Note Records label) sold 20 million of the first album of an unknown stranger (Norah Jones), it is because he picked up his phone… As he recounted further on.
• If the FNAC stores directors now call – or email – their member customers who have not been completely satisfied with their experience in store (NPS being the indicator measurement), it is because listening to the customer voice makes it possible to improve the process, the welcoming and because, last but not least, the customers appreciate this genuine mark of interest.
• If you adequately pay your deliveryman, that you provide him with the building door code where he delivers, that he retrieves knowledge about your customers thanks to a customized smartphone, you can transform, and at little cost, the delivery experience and thus your customer commitment!
A book about what? Made to be read by who? What does it contain? If you are creating or have created a taxi company, a cupcake online sale or resumed a bakery shop, here is an advice: take care of your customers, provide them with a great service, and the key to their loyalty as well as positive word-of-mouth will grow out of it. How to do that, at what price, and by contacting who? This is the promise of this iconoclastic and cutting-edge book, written by three “doctors” of the customer care and experience, among them one who travels the world in order to cure these diseases (Manuel Jacquinet). They have identified the recurring pathologies that damage the customer care and therefore offer: 30 drugs + 12 podcasts as well as an exclusive list of 25 contacts to solicit, to implement all this or to confirm to which extent the advised drugs are effective. And it starts as low as 6 cents of a euro, which is, for example, the price of a text message, to inform that the carrier is late or that the reimbursement request has been processed. Keeping the promise is the first expectation customers have in France, no matter the sector. The robots announced all around us have a real ally: the carelessness and lack of commitment of a quantity of brands or of leaders.
In this book, you will also find: 15 replicas from mythical movies, and music suggestions to help you memorize these principles and advices, whether you are in your cab or at the bakery.
In order to get, one day, the black card, you need to be ready to work anytime, anywhere, anywhen, just like Travis Bickle (the taxi driver of the movie Taxi Driver). You must also trigger conversations with your customers, love them, and thus find and keep the associates capable of contributing to this mission. Customers are like the woman JJ Cale talked about in his marvelous song:
Don’t take her for granted, she has a hard time
Don’t misunderstand her or play with her mind
Treat her so gently, it will pay you in time
You’ve got to know she’s the sensitive kind
Tell her you love her, each and every night
And you will discover she will treat you right
Sensitive Kind – JJ Cale (1979)
By Manuel Jacquinet,
Translated by Lucy Lavabre
The Black Book Of Customer Care And Experience (Le livre noir du service et de l’expérience client) will be released on the 8th of December 2017. He was drafted by Manuel Jacquinet and two co-authors: Patrick Giudicelli and Frédéric Godefroy. It is published by the publishing house Malpaso.