‘Crafting the customer experience of tomorrow’

His name is Ian and he’s a famous drummer.
Paris & France are boosting the profile of the customer service and are putting the call out for designers and inventors of quality customer experiences.

His name is Ian, and he made the announcement a few days ago. Ian Paice, the famous drummer of Deep Purple? No. The Ian in question is the surfing & music loving young man who officiates as a CDO (Chief Digital Officer) at LVMH (a very well-established start-up ? ). In one month, after selecting promising start-ups who intend to revolutionize the customer experience, the luxury group will help support them in various ways, including a highlight at Viva Technology and an incubation period at Station F. ‘Show us what you got’ an open called delivered via a video that can be seen here.
We are not outdone on the side of Fnac Darty, who is organizing an innovation and start-up Tour de France, choosing to stop in a selection of cities in France. The final selection is in March. See Here.
If we add that the former CityVision has decided to rename itself ‘Paris Experience Group’ on the occasion of their 90th anniversary, that the Eiffel Tower, the most visited monument in France, has decided to review its customer’s experience and journey in order to stay so iconic (see our article on this subject) and that l’Opinion -the first French newspaper to have anticipated the trend- created their ‘Cahiers de l’Expérience Client’ three years ago which ensures that twice a year, there is a showcase to launch these innovations and provides a portrait of this French Connection to the customer experience, we can hope for the best.
It’s a party in Paris !
N.B: The CNIL (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés) have decided to join this revolution, inflicting a fine of €50,000,000 on Google, they’re sending a strong message: Our data belongs to us. Roger that?
By Manuel Jacquinet
See the french version here.
Cover : Ian Paice, 1972 – © DR