New Premium Service for U.S. Consumers: Your Tech Team

Dell propose un service client Premium, 24/7 et assuré par des agents basés aux USA. C’était en 2008. By WW Customer Experience July 1, 2008.
En 2007, le fabricant d’ordinateurs Dell, qui avait déjà largement innové en installant la vente à distance de PC sur mesure créait le service premium, localisé aux US et sans discontinuité. Un journaliste américain en dévoilait la teneur. Pour 99 Dollars par an, le client de Dell qui souscrivait au service disposait d’une hotline assurée par des agents basés aux USA. Le fabricant ira même plus loin en proposant à des clients américains l’appelant depuis la Floride par exemple, où les citoyens d’origine hispanique sont nombreux, de dialoguer avec des agents maitrisant l’espagnol, en sus de l’anglais.
« It was provided to about 30,000 customers in the New York City area. The idea was to provide a more personalized support experience to them by designating a team of highly skilled technicians they could call anytime. It was very successful, running about 90% customer satisfaction, as the technicians are more familiar with their circumstances, require fewer explanations and are able to solve a broad-range of issues beyond just the basic warranty. This week we are launching the new premium warranty service called “Your Tech Team” modeled on our experiment. The new service will be an option for customers in the United States who purchase a system directly from Dell—it’s not available to customers who buy from retail. The service will cover all Dell-branded devices under warranty in your house-hold, gets you rapid access to specialists, allows you to schedule calls with your favorite technicians, and if you desire, can provide technical support options well-beyond what is covered under your warranty without needing to transfer you to a different group.
Your Tech Team costs $99 and provides hardware warranty support for your new system and all other systems in your household (that are still under warranty). Other technical support options, like performance tuning, wireless network set-up and anti-virus support are available for a fee but can be purchased while you are on the call with your favorite technician. At this point, households are determined by billing address. This means if your daughter is away at college, but you bought her an Inspiron and it is still under warranty, she can call Your Tech Team directly. If her system is out of warranty, you would need to purchase an extended warranty for her system before she is covered
Finally, there is one other piece of information you’ll want to know about Your Tech Team—the agents are based in North America. Now, I know this can be controversial for some people but we have 2 critical customer needs to meet that are in direct conflict with each other. First and foremost, customers want low prices. We see time and time again, that when we increase prices to cover certain costs we drop in sales. We also have a great deal of research that corroborates that PC decision making is largely influenced by price and customers expect low prices from Dell. On the other hand, we must balance that with many suggestions that we provide North American support. Dell’s philosophy is all about providing customer choice and this service is no exception, rather than adding cost to every system for something that many people aren’t interested in, we will make it optional. Your Tech Team is not just about North American support, it is a different offering focused on your relationship with our technicians and ultimately it is about giving our customers the choice to prioritize what matters most to them.
Plus récemment, c’est peu ou prou une offre similaire de personnalisation à celle que lance la BNP (Affinité) que déclare proposer la société Afiniti, qui saurait faire un usage tel de l’IA que son logiciel lui permettrait de mettre en contact un client avec le téléconseiller le plus adapté à son profil. Testée par Bouygues Telecom, elle a généré quelques effets positifs mais de l’avis même du client, l’offre nécessite un nombre assez important de réglages.
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